Day after

I had the surgery yesterday and things seem to be going really well! I should be going home sometime today, I just need things like the drain to be taken out and I’ll be all set. Have had the pharmist come to see me with my medication.

Surgery tomorrow

I have to be at the hospital tomorrow at 8am and the surgery itself should only take 2 hours. I’m not sure when the surgery is due to start , (9amish?), as I do have yo check in and do the usual getting weighed and my height measured first of course.

I am quite anxious about it, but not as bad as before my operation last year! At least I’m not on a blood thinner this year and the operation isn’t as big as last years one was. Depending on how things go I should be out and back home either on Tuesday or Wednesday. (I am definitly spending the night in hospital tomorrow).