I have to have fluid drained from my abdomin again this afternoon. It’s the 3rd time this year, but at least its not as bad as the 1st one as its a lot less fluid. I’m not happy about this obviously.
Category: Sick
That I’m always in pain now
I’ve been having on going complications from the surgeries I had to have, and I’ve had constant lingering pain in certain areas. I worry about the amount of pain medication I need, so I iften don’t take it.
Day after
I had the surgery yesterday and things seem to be going really well! I should be going home sometime today, I just need things like the drain to be taken out and I’ll be all set. Have had the pharmist come to see me with my medication.
Surgery tomorrow
I have to be at the hospital tomorrow at 8am and the surgery itself should only take 2 hours. I’m not sure when the surgery is due to start , (9amish?), as I do have yo check in and do the usual getting weighed and my height measured first of course.
I am quite anxious about it, but not as bad as before my operation last year! At least I’m not on a blood thinner this year and the operation isn’t as big as last years one was. Depending on how things go I should be out and back home either on Tuesday or Wednesday. (I am definitly spending the night in hospital tomorrow).
I have my first appoutment with the general surgeon about my hernia tomorrow morning. I’m not looking forward to it and am starting to become quite anxious about it now! Hopefully the whole process will be quick and before I know it the surgery itself is done and behind me!!
I’ve been to my doctor and it is a hernia unfortuntly. I’ve been reffered to a general surgon to get it fixed, which won’t be a major surgery like my one last year at least!!
Hernia :(
It looks like I have a hernia in the area I had my surgery last year. I have a doctors appointment for it on Monday which is the first I could with my main doctor. I’m not happy about this at all obviously but would be even more annoyed if I have to have another surgery to correct it!
Last scan!
I had to have a scan of my leg to check for blood clots and there weren’t any there anymore! I was on the blood thinner for thd clots for 6 months and they just needed to check that all of the clots had actually cleared up obviously.
Back to work
I’m well enough now that I’m starting yo head back to work after my operation last month. Not quite full time as I’m still getting tired very easily and its a lot easier to work from home than it is to actually go into work.
I am going out of my mind with boriedem by now. For some reason being stuck at home this time has been worse than the covid lockdowns were! In particular once I’d hit the 2 to 3 week mark after my operation and was actually starting to feel just well enough physically that it became increasingly irrating to be stuck at home like that.
Another scan
I got an unexpected phone call about needing another scan tomorrow afternoon so they can check my liver. One annoying thing is I can’t eat for 4 hours before hand and with the appitment being at 2pm it’s pretty much going to mean I might as well wait until dinner before eating much again as I proberly won’t be home again until after 3pm/3.30pm depending on how long the scan takes and the traffic.
I had a biopsy on Monday afternoon, which I haven’t got the results back from yet. Hopefully there won’t be anything else after the scan tomorrow in the run up to my actual operation, which is in less than 2 weeks home now!