Christmas Decorations :)

Some of the houses on my street have started putting up their Christmas decorations by now, though most will look a lot nicer when it’s dark of course and you can actually see the lights. One of the houses which was sold earlier this year has put really complicated, for my street, decorations up in one of their trees and they have even included the branches that hang over the footpath!

They’re detailed enough that I think that they’d be as interested in daylight as they will be after dark, as it would hard to make out some of the details when it’s night. I guess, depending on how their lights are of course. It’s still a bit too early to go around and have a look at the houses after dark, as I like leaving them until closer to Christmas in case I miss anyone who puts their decorations up later on in the month.

This is the first house’s decoration I’ve seen on my street, or in the local neighbor hood that is even remotely close to the Franklin Road Christmas lights, which I don’t mind given how much traffic they get every year! (I also think the pressure to keep up with the neighbors with those sorts of displays would be awful, not that I’m anywhere near the road which makes it a moot point 🙂 ).